
MTV- The perfect Combination Directed by Dalisa Mena

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 8 (Chapter 17) Advertising and Public Relations of MTV

 MTV 44 1/2 offers the biggest HD video screen available to advertisers in Times Square, with a worldwide on-air audience of up to 67 million viewers.
MTV 44½ captures the eyes of viewers with unique MTV programming, live tapings, special events, concerts, and MTV-branded creative that breaks through the clutter in Times Square. MTV 44½'s screen dimensions are compatible with those of standard broadcast specifications, which means that MTV 44½ is able to accommodate creative identical to what is already on air. There's no need to resize or produce special creative to run on MTV 44½.  
MTV is the world's most widely distributed television network, the channel's achievements are considerable . MTV reaching almost 600m households in over 150 countries around the globe.  It completely transformed the nature of popular music during the 1980s and 1990s, arguably even more influential on that medium than the introduction of the compact disc. It is also one of only a handful of media properties of recent years which has transcended its original format to become something close to a lifestyle brand and is also the world's most valuable individual media brand. Yet MTV began as simply a cheap way of filling a dead slot in a regional US cable system. 

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