
MTV- The perfect Combination Directed by Dalisa Mena

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chapter 7- Business Marketing Of MTV

Strategic Alliences
Is an agreement between two or more individuals or entities stating that the involved parties will act in certain way in order to achieve a common goal.  It usually make sense when the parties involved have complementary strengths. The company MTV had teamed up with Microsoft to launch a digital music retailer which, the pair hope, will be the first serious rival to Apple's all-powerful iTunes.
MTV Networks’ URGE is designed to bring the emotional connection of music to the forefront of the digital entertainment experience.  URGE was integrated into Windows Media Player 11. Urge will have more than 2 million tracks available individually at 99c which allows users to transfer songs to more than 100 compatible portable music players , it will offer a deep well of programming and editorial to guide the consumer’s digital music experience including exclusive content from MTV.
 Microsoft and MTV networks have combined their strengths to dramatically redefine how Windows users discover and enjoy music. This makes it easy for people to discover new music and listen to old favorites. Urge provides an experience equally enjoyable for all audiences. Offering constantly updated music feature stories, exclusive interviews, and music videos. With Urge music fans will have a choice in how they want to consume digital music to best fit their lifestyle , also it will be promoted across a broad range of MTV networks platforms such as MTV2, MTVU , MTV hits , and MTV jams .

Another Example of strategic alliances is that MTV parent Viacom and Google have agreed to offer video clips from popular shows on websites in Google’s Ad Sense online advertising network. The result will be a first time that the network will show about 4-5-minute ad-supported clips of TV shows on the web.
The deal has focused its online video efforts on its own branded broadband sites and aimed to generate interests among content owners, web publishers and advertisers, and create new revenue opportunities for both  Google and MTV.

As  part of the deal, MTV Networks will also sell episodes of its programs through Google Video, as it does via AOL and iTunes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 8- Segmenting and Targeting Markets of MTV

A Market segment is a group of people that share one or more characteristics. Each market segment is unique and marketing managers decide on various criteria to create their target market. They may approach each segment differently, after fully understanding the needs, lifestyles, demographics and personality of the target. To meet the most basic criteria of a market segment, three characteristics must be present: Homogeneity this is common needs within segment.Distinction wich is unique from other groups and Reaction -similar response to market.
The Main international market segment of MTV is 16 and Pregnant wich  is an reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman . It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the complication of teenage pregnancy. Each episode shows a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 12–8 months into her pregnancy. The episode typically ends when the baby is a few months old. The series is produced in a documentary format, with an animation on notebook paper showing highlights during each episode preceding the commercial breaks.
Check this episode:
16 and Pregnant (Season 3) 'Jennifer': "After abandoning sports and losing her friends, Jennifer has to battle with her overprotective parents to accept her boyfriend before she gives birth to twin boys."
Enjoy it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 11- Delevoping and Managing Products of MTV

MTV2 Launched on August 1, 1996 can be considered as an illustration of a new product and management. This channel was created to show more diversities alternative music and older music than regular MTV did.  It includes a diverse mix of all type of music. In its early years it has developed music video programming with 8 hour rotations of different genres from rock to hip hop and alternative. With three different video disc jockeys known as VJS. They had shows called MTV2 Request, that would introduce diverse selection of music with rock, hip hop and pop.

The two-headed dog.
Second Launch took place February 7, 2005 the purpose was to create a unique brand identity for MTV2 targeting 12-34 year old man viewers.  It was reported that the two-headed dog were made to represent rock and hip-hop, the two sides of MTV2. The channel also introduced a new way to credit videos. At the beginning and end of each video, three large, brightly colored bars (either blue, yellow or pink) would appear in the middle of the screen which display the video's information, rather than the traditional MTV style of small white letters in the lower left corner. Also during each show, MTV2's two-headed dog logo would change colors, and a large bar would appear in the middle of the screen to inform the viewer of what program is being shown.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 11- Integrated Marketing Communication of MTV

Promotional mix is the combination of promotional tools- Including advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion- used to reach the target market and fulfill the organization’s overall goals.

On Product service - MTV offers to the youth and young professionals a whole package of lifestyle and information all rolled into one. It features music videos, fashion trends, concert tours and promotions. Moreover, it promises value-adding services through news broadcasting and tackling of local issues.
 Price -The amounts of money customer have to “pay” is actually continual patronage of the program. Also, high viewer’s ratings will bring them into line with the market’s perception of MTV’s value, hence increasing their “price “from business such as Kodak, apple , Coca-Cola , etc.

Place-MTV does this well in the sense that they make their service and name available to target consumers through concert tours , music awards , campus tours etc.  They make themselves accessible to their target market through cable channels. Lastly, they select only particular coverage’s that their market would embrace.
Promotion- MTV always has many activities and programs that persuade target customer to patron them.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 10- Product Concepts Of MTV

What is a Brand? A brand can take many forms, this include a name, symbol, sign, slogan or color combinations.  It is important to know that a legally protected brand name is called a trademark. Brand can be used to identity; it will affect the personality of a product, company or service.   MTV’s brand strategy had a simple beginning.

 The MTV Logo was designed in 1981 by Frank Olinsky, Pat Gorman, and Patty Rogoff.The original design consisted of a Block 3D “M “with a small graffiti “TV “on the top of it. The very first moments of MTV Logo was an adaptation of the first landing on the moon, directly from NASA this idea was from Seibert’s.
 We decided that the logo should always change, as music, art and culture changes.
Between the 1990s and 2000s, Mtv began to use different colors white logo that was the same as the original. Each summer Mtv start to create a consistent brand across all of its music-related shows.

In 2010 the new logo is designed to be filled in with an unlimited variety of pictures and images. This new logo formally became MTV's official brand mark on February 8, 2010.
Over time, our logo has changed size and style, but the fundamental logo design has stayed consistent.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 9 - Chapter 18 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

MTV's “Choose or Lose” campaign was designed to inform and empower young voters on the political issues that matter to them most, and to provide a platform for airing their views.

In  1992, MTV started a pro-democracy to encourage up to 20 million people to register to vote, in recent years, other politically diverse programs on MTV have included True Life, which documents people's lives and problems, and MTV News specials, which center on very current events in both the music industry and the world. One special show covered the 2004 U.S. Presidential election, airing programs focused on the issues and opinions of young people. MTV worked with P. Ditty’s "Vote or Die" campaign, designed to encourage young people to vote.

The channel also began showing presidential campaign commercials for the first time during the 2008 US presidential election. This has led to criticism that "MTV serves as the Democrats' main youth outreach program."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 8 (Chapter 17) Advertising and Public Relations of MTV

 MTV 44 1/2 offers the biggest HD video screen available to advertisers in Times Square, with a worldwide on-air audience of up to 67 million viewers.
MTV 44½ captures the eyes of viewers with unique MTV programming, live tapings, special events, concerts, and MTV-branded creative that breaks through the clutter in Times Square. MTV 44½'s screen dimensions are compatible with those of standard broadcast specifications, which means that MTV 44½ is able to accommodate creative identical to what is already on air. There's no need to resize or produce special creative to run on MTV 44½.  
MTV is the world's most widely distributed television network, the channel's achievements are considerable . MTV reaching almost 600m households in over 150 countries around the globe.  It completely transformed the nature of popular music during the 1980s and 1990s, arguably even more influential on that medium than the introduction of the compact disc. It is also one of only a handful of media properties of recent years which has transcended its original format to become something close to a lifestyle brand and is also the world's most valuable individual media brand. Yet MTV began as simply a cheap way of filling a dead slot in a regional US cable system.